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  • Writer's pictureHolly Harper

Tea has been drank since ancient times. Then it was in an unadulterated form of pure tea leaves, mostly consumed for it's medicinal properties.

I am not chatting about herbal teas, or tisane (fruit&herb) teas, but good old tea leaves and buds picked from Camellia Sinnensis (tea plants - a species of evergreen shrubs).

Many popular tea brands of today would have you believe that there products have health benefits and by consuming their products, that somehow you will be living a cleaner life. HOG WASH. Fact is; if you are drinking tea from the grocery store already prepared for you in nice little toxic bags; you are essentially going to consume tea "Fannings". The unwashed remains of what is left after the good tea leaves and buds have been screened. These "Fannings", also contain high amounts of "Pesticides", "Toxins", "artificial ingredients" and "GMOs".

Ah....but buyer beware not all merchants selling "Loose Leaf Teas" are created equal either. Tea is a huge business these days, and like magicians; the big players in retail loose leaf tea, have conjured up many ways to lure you into buying their products. You will know the companies I am referring to, if you have ever had the experience of having a booming big cannister full of flavorful tea wafted under your nose. Not to put you off, but, to add to your enjoyable experience; if you choose to purchase any of these delights, you are also getting the added benefit of purchasing a tea that may have had everyone else's nose in it too! this seems a bit too NOSEY for me! Add to this, that these companies may not buy ethically or sustainability . What the heck does that mean!....Gonna save that one for another blog.

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  • Writer's pictureHolly Harper

As noted American botanist and scientist Luther Burbank has said: "Flowers always make people better, happier and more helpful. They are sunshine, food and medicine to the soul.". And roses are perhaps the flower that is most responsible for bringing happiness, sunshine and love to someone's day as roses are possibly most well-loved flower in the world.

But perhaps the most romantic combination in the world is roses and cherries. Roses, of course, have long been a symbol of love. But cherries have also long been seen in China and Japan as potent symbols of springtime and youth. English folk beliefs also say that cherry trees are a symbol of luck and love; lovers who meet for the first time under a cherry tree are said to be the luckiest of couples!

Both cherries and roses are also claimed to have several health benefits, some of which include: high antioxidant levels and possible inflammation reducing qualities in cherries as well as vitamin C and natural stress relieving properties in rose petals.

Whether you just love roses or cherries (or both!) or whether you want to add a little romance to your life, we can help! Our cherry and rose tea blends are sure to bring some sunshine and happiness to the soul!

Our Cherry Cheeks & Rose Rooibos tea is a wonderful blend of Rooibos from the Cederberg district of South Africa. Rooibos is known for it's warm, malty, slightly toasty and mildly sweet flavour which pairs wonderfully with rose petals, blackberry leaves and natural cherry flavours in this tea blend.

And our Cherry Kyoto Rose Green tea definitely embodies the Japanese symbols of springtime, youth and love. A bright and fresh blend of sencha green tea made to Japanese standards and natural cherry flavours. You simply can't go wrong with either.

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  • Writer's pictureHolly Harper

Many of our customers love our iced teas we have for sampling and take out. Many of which are our very own blends. There are very few teas whether Black, Green, Rooibos, or Tisane (Fruit & Herbs Mix) that don't make great Iced Tea. Tisane's are a favorite when it comes to making iced tea with home blends like Azul, Cha Cha Colada, Cran-Apple, Gypsy Kiss, Lemon Mango Montage & Nutty Cocoa Bean. We also have some great Green Tea Home Blends that make wonderful Iced Teas too. Cherry Kyoto Rose, Florida Strawberry, Peachy Green, Rhapsody Raspberry, and Tropical Blue Mango.


Rule of Thumb: 1 teaspoon per 8oz cup (if you are going to be using an Ice stick)

2 teaspoons per 8oz cup (to make a concentrate)

Place measured tea in a teapot or heat proof container.

Add Sugar or honey (3 Tablespoons per Gallon of finished product) at this time. (OPTIONAL)

Add the appropriate amount of boiling water according to the above rule of thumb.

Infuse : 3 minutes for green (otherwise it will get bitter)

4 minutes for Black (otherwise it will get bitter)

10 minutes or more for Tisane

10 minutes or more for Rooibos

Chill in Fridge.

As a concentrate: Use fill beverage container half concentrate and half ice

Using an Ice Stick? Pour unconcentrated tea into container and add an ice stick.

Iced Teas can be fun. Add sparkling water or a light sparkling wine. Fruit can be added either directly or frozen in ice cubes. PS. The kids love our Tisane Teas, especially the Bubble Gum Yum.

All our Home Blends are exclusive to us and available in store or on our on line store . Free shipping over $30.00 anywhere in Canada.


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