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  • Writer's pictureHolly Harper

Juicy and sweet peaches are never a miss; in fact people have loved this lovely summer fruit for centuries! Archaeologists in China discovered that people consumed peaches as far back as 4000 years ago! Evidence suggests that the Chinese people were cultivating the fruit as early on as 6000 BC in Zhejiang Province of China.

From those ancient times peaches made their way westward in the form of cuttings and seedlings, travelling via Persia (present day Iran) to Italy and Spain. In Italy the fruit thrived and rose to such popularity that it became the favourite of various rulers of the Roman Empire! It eventually made it to England and France where it was considered an expensive and prized treat.

The peach was then brought to the Americas by Spanish explorers in the 16th century, but commercial production did not begin in America until the 19th century by farmers in Maryland, Delaware, Georgia and finally Virginia. Peaches also became an important crop in Ontario by the 1880's and in British Columbia by the 1890's.

The fruit belongs to the genus Prunus, which includes the cherry, apricot, almond and plum in the rose family. And Peaches and Nectarines are classified scientifically as the same species, although commercially they are regarded as different fruits. There is even a cross between the two fruits called a "Peacherine" which is marketed in Australia and New Zealand!

There are hundreds of different cultivars of peaches. Growers have even gone so far as to differentiate between the ones that separate easily from their pits, called "Freestones", and the ones that don't separate as easily from their pits, called Clingstones.

Peaches are not only a delicious and flavourful fruit, but they are also great for the health!

Peaches are full of antioxidants which may help prevent some cancers as well as potentially improving skin health and reduce inflammation due to UV-B radiation. Peaches might also help eye health, as they contain beta-carotene which plays an important role in maintaining healthy eyesight. Magnesium in peaches may help reduce stress and the dietary fiber in peaches might also help digestion.

Whether you want to get your fill of peaches for health reasons or just because they're delicious, we can help get your fix in a fun way: through tea!

We have three delightful teas which we've created taking inspiration from this venerable fruit.

Our Peach Apricot flavoured black tea combines the intense and fragrant sweetness of both Apricots and Peaches along with a lovely Orange Pekoe grade Ceylon black tea, and creates a tea that you simply can't go wrong with. This tea makes a wonderful all year-round kind of tea as it is just as wonderful hot as it is cold! Psst.. We've also got a decaf version of this tea, so you can drink it all day and still get to sleep at night!

Our Peachy Green tea takes the bright, vegetative, freshness of a Japanese style Sencha green tea and combines it with the summer-y sweetness of peaches and voila! A summer beverage you're sure to love!

And last, but certainly not least our Peaches N' Cream flavoured black tea takes a classic dessert and puts it into tea form! What more could you ask for? All the deliciousness of peaches and cream without the fear of expanding waistlines. Juicy sweetness with smooth creaminess, perfect as a dessert tea or even just because.

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  • Writer's pictureHolly Harper

What tea comes with a bang you ask? Why it's Gunpowder green tea! But don't worry it won't explode or make loud noises and it doesn't contain any gunpowder. According to legend the tea got it's name from a young English clerk, who thought the tiny rolled balls of tea leaves looked like gunpowder! The tea leaves are specially selected for quality size and style, they are then rolled into small balls. This method of processing the tea means that Gunpowder tea will actually keep longer than other green teas and has become popular because of this characteristic!

Gunpowder green tea comes from Taiwan and the Zhejiang province of China; however, some believe that higher quality gunpowder green teas come from Taiwan as Taiwan's gunpowder quality improved significantly after 1949. The first tea bushes planted in Taiwan were planted around 300 years ago with bushes from the Fujian province of China. The bushes in Taiwan flush around five times per year between April and December. The best leaves are picked from the end of May to around mid-August.

Interestingly, before the 1900's gunpowder green tea comprised around 60% of America's total tea imports, today that figure is less than 1%.

This tea is a wonderful experience for the senses and not just smell and taste. Try brewing the tea loose, with boiling water, in a cup, bowl or teapot that you can see into and watch as the leaves open up and almost "bloom" like a flower would and float gracefully to the bottom.

Our Formosa Gunpowder Green Tea is an excellent gunpowder variety and has a surprising and strong body but still has that familiar fresh and captivating green tea flavour.

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  • Writer's pictureHolly Harper

Updated: May 19, 2020

Hyson, Young Hyson, Lucky Dragon Hyson, what is it all?

Well, for starters, Hyson translates to "Flourishing Spring" but is a term used to describe a particular type/grade of green tea grown in China.

Hyson style tea is generally medium sized tea leaves (leaves that grow just below the new growing shoots on the tea bush) that are rolled in a long twisted and sometimes clam-like shape. Young Hyson is prepared in the same way, except the leaves used are the "younger" new shoots at the top of the bush, hence the name "Young Hyson". Young Hyson tea is generally considered to be better quality and better tasting as the leaves are the "freshest" on the bush.

During the 1700's this tea became so highly favoured, that the British tea tax was actually higher for this variety than other teas. Lucky Dragon Hyson is from a specific factory who further identified their tea as even higher quality, because, even though made in the Young Hyson style it has a much better flavour and character to it.

The government quickly realized the potential and levied taxes on tea that remained all the way until the late 1700's. With all these taxes, and specifically higher tax on Young Hyson grade teas, there were all kinds of various plans and schemes to get around the taxes. Servants in upper class homes would dry the used leaves and resell them, others would "cut" the tea with leaves from various trees like beech or hawthorn. Smuggling teas from China into England reached a climax during the mid 1700's. The Chancellor of the Exchequer realized the extent of their losses and that only a large tax cut would make legal imports competitive with contraband tea, which finally occurred in 1784 with the passing of the Commutation Act.

You can rest assured you won't have to pay extra high taxes or worry about hawthorn leaves in your tea; you can get yourself some high quality, wonderfully fresh flavoured Lucky Dragon Hyson Green Tea over on our online shop.

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